NeoFertility success stories
NeoFertility empowered hundreds of women and couples achieving their fertility goals, from either improving their health to conceiving successfully after years of infertility, recurrent miscarriage or failed IVF.
Read just a few featured empowering stories of hope and overcoming fertility obstacles from women and couples whose lives changed with NeoFertility.
2 healthy babies after recurrent miscarriage
I started my NeoFertility journey in 2010, weeks before my 40th birthday. I had taken a career break from my job in Galway, moved to London, met Andy and we got married in 2008. I got pregnant almost immediately, but when my “period” didn’t stop I started to worry. I didn’t even realise I was pregnant and visited my GP, who did a pregnancy test and referred me to the Early Pregnancy Unit at the local hospital. I went up that evening and had to go back every 48 hours to have my HCG levels checked. They were coming down so it was inevitable I would miscarry. This would become a pattern – positive pregnancy test and then a miscarriage at about 9 weeks, and then up and down to the EPU. I became very well known in that hospital, especially as my veins were so poor, and as soon as my favourite nurse would see me, she’d send for the phlebotomist to do my bloods.
I had some awful days, some terrible hospital experiences. I hated my body, blamed myself for what was happening.
2 Neo babies after 3 failed IVF rounds & donor eggs
This journey together began when after 9 years together we got married and started trying for a baby immediately with the trust that everything would be straightforward. But we were soon to discover that this was not to be the case. I like to take a proactive approach to life and not wait for my problems to be solved for me, so at age 31 and after 6 months of trying to conceive, I went to my GP who sent me away for another 6 months reassuring me that it was going to happen and not to worry too much.
By our first anniversary, panic had set in and I pleaded with my GP to refer me further which she did, to a local gynaecologist, who after one set of blood tests and a semen analysis swiftly referred us on to an IVF clinic.
Day 3 and 21 bloods were repeated with no obvious issues detected (I now know day 21 is an average and would not have accurately identified my hormonal issues).
A laparoscopy was performed with mild endometriosis diagnosed.
The NeoFertility program has changed our lives and has made it possible for us to have a beautiful son.
We are immensely grateful. Our NeoFertility Advisor has helped me understand my menstrual cycle, which was a revelation in terms of tracking my fertility, and it also made it possible for me to understand my body and fertility. She was there as wonderful support and always was willing to answer any questions. Without hesitation we would recommend it to couples who are planning a family! Through our consultations and meetings on-line, I became more relaxed and I must say all my fears and the chaos I was going through with doctors disappeared because my Advisor always knew how to answer all my questions and fears professionally and concisely.
With the help of my Advisor I discovered how to chart my menstrual cycle, which was crucial because I realized there was still hope for me, even though my AMH was low and that it did not necessarily mean I would never be able to become a mother.
I believe the NeoFertility Advisor can restore one's faith in female energy, and also reveal the potential of the woman's body.
The best things in life are recognised by the ease with which they fit into your beliefs, thoughts, lifestyle, and vision of the future. One of these is the reproductive health approach that the NeoFertility method uses. For the first time, I truly understood how a woman’s body is a perfect mechanism and I was actually astounded by the fact that this knowledge, particularly monitoring one’s cycle for the purpose of attaining or delaying pregnancy, is to such an extent hidden from women. I believe the Neofertility Advisor, with her humbleness and dedication, can over-turn this negative trend and restore one’s faith in female energy, and also reveal the potential of the woman’s body which it definitely deserves.
There is no room for fear.
I approached the educational program suspiciously with a lot of fear and mistrust.
After approximately four months, I can with certainty say that our NeoFertility Advisor did a great job, and gained our trust with her confidence, honesty and support. I have to stress how this program has truly changed me and I am overjoyed.
I am especially thankful to my NeoFertility Advisor for her extraordinary educational program, friendly approach and for showing me this method that actually functions. There is no room for fear.
I would recommend NeoFertility to every girl and woman.
The educational program taught me about my body and how it functions. It helped both my husband and me, not only for the present moment but for the rest of our lives. I believe it is important to understand your cycle, know what days are coming and live in accordance with it and listen to your body. Different changes mean different possible problems. This educational program has enabled me to follow, predict and react in time to these changes and I will definitely apply them for the rest of my life. My Advisor played a crucial role in my understanding, selflessly sharing her knowledge and advice and I thank her for that. I would recommend this Program to every girl and woman.
With the help of my Advisor I discovered how to chart my menstrual cycle, which was crucial because I realized there was still hope for me, even though my AMH was low and that it did not necessarily mean I would never be able to become a mother.